Get fit for less during our annual spring sale!
We're hiring! We have hundreds of positions to fill for the busy spring and summer seasons, including life guards, park maintenance, horticulture, restaurant servers and cooks, sports camps counselors and more.
Hey, it only happens every four years! What are you going to do with your extra day this month?
South Suburban is partnering with USA Hockey to encourage kids to explore ice hockey, in the organization’s annual “Try Hockey for Free Day”. It’s tailored for kids who have never tried hockey, or have little experience. South Suburban’s Family Sports Ice Arena will host the event on Saturday, February 22 from to . The event is for kids ages 4-12. For more information, visit
South Suburban has called for a regular district election to fill two director positions. The Tuesday, May 5, 2020 election will be a polling place election.
Celebrate Valentine's with South Suburban!
The Matching Gifts Program encourages neighborhoods, homowner associations, sports groups and other organizations to partner with SSPR to make enhancements to parks, facilities and programs.
Enjoy 20 percent off your entire purchase during South Suburban Parks and Recreation Discount Day at Dicks Sporting Goods at Park Meadows Mall.
South Suburban announces call for artists for Art-on-Loan Program.
South Suburban will have a regular district election on May 5, 2020 to fill two director positions.