Two SSPRD employees received awards in January.

Jan 28 2021

South Suburban’s Esports Coordinator, Chris Curtis, was honored in NRPA’s 30 Under 30 for 2021, and Michele Amidon, Community Relations Specialist for South Suburban, was awarded the 2021 Women’s Ice Hockey Founders Award.

Free Christmas Tree Recycling and Mulch

Dec 24 2020
Free Christmas Tree Recycling and Mulch

South Suburban Parks and Recreation (SSPR) along with the City of Littleton and the City of Centennial will offer free Christmas tree recycling at two locations from December 26 through the week of January 11. Locations include South Suburban’s Willow Spring Service Center, 7100 South Holly Street, in Centennial and Cornerstone Park, 5150 South Windermere Street (corner of West Belleview Avenue and South Windermere Street.)

Stay Active at Home with Virtual Fitness

Dec 16 2020
Stay Active at Home with Virtual Fitness

The virtual fitness class pass is back! Take advantage of this alternative to in-person group fitness classes.  Workout with your favorite instructors using your current pass or punch card at no additional cost. If you aren’t a pass or punch card holder, we have a weekly paid access option for only $12. Class options include Total Body Fitness, Power Plus, Healthy Back, SilverSneakers Classic, Zumba, Zumba Gold, and more!
